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emerald green

Ennio Morricone

Now as your body relaxed
and your breathing regular and deep
your imagination power
has increased immensely.
You begin seeing with your eyes closed
the tiny particle
in the top right corner
of your field of vision.
Every time you inhale
the particle is growing,
while you exhale
it grows even more…
Just watch with your inner sight
how this divine green color
conquers the space of your imagination
how it captures your attention
and even your will…
It powers your psych to metamorphoses
which where beneath your understanding
The unique experience you’re now possessing
might have changed the entire way of feeling
the world around you
if only you let yourself be the same
with the emerald green colour
which is the essence of life
of dark green grass of May
and transparent green leaves of April
and slight farewell of rare green
in the sunset of August…
Let the green be your guiding light
through the long winter nights
to the sacred Spring
with the rich-heavens-high-grass
of our meeting and uniting.
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