Виртуальный поэтический театр Стихофон.ру - аудиокника стихов в mp3, авторская и актёрская декламация. Конкурсы авторов и исполнителей.
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От Clittary Hilton на: Любовь and клизма  
 I have known some Russian since early childhood... I had numerous private teachers... and then even though I am no immigrant myself, it helps to have Russian ancestry and an immigrant husband! I was raised in Toronto and now we live on Long Island.

I had started my forays into русское стихосложение with the express idea to improve my command of the language, but later the versification in Russian (I would hesitate to call my oeuvre "poetry") has become a favorite pastime of mine... apart from my own exercise, I love real poetry and am pretty well read in Russian.

Cheers, Kli
 09/11/2008 18:00

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